Charity Event Checklist: Dos and Don’ts

An image of a charity event leader talking to volunteers, demonstrating the essential do's and don'ts of charity planning.

Pulling off a successful charity event is no small feat. It takes time, effort, and money. When it comes to planning an event, it helps to have specific goals in mind and a clear vision for how to accomplish them. Whether it’s a one-off event or an annual event for your nonprofit, it’s important to plan and prepare.

When putting together a charity event, think about how to create a memorable experience for the attendees. Creating a lasting impression can go a long way toward reaching your goals and developing long-lasting relationships. Here is a dos and don’ts checklist for creating a successful charity event.

Charity Events 101

Successful charity events don’t always follow the same formula. However, they all take hard work and focus. Knowing what to do and which pitfalls to avoid can make a major impact on whether or not you reach your goals. 

Dos: Pick a Venue and Idea That’s Fun

When people go out to an event, they want to have a good time. While they may also want to support a particular cause, they hope to be wowed by the charity event experience. Take time to consider what people coming to your event may have in common and what they might like. Some ideas to consider are:

  • A Talent Show: Everyone loves a good talent show. Bring your community together to observe and support the talents of your guests. Additionally, you can have your board members or community members judge the event. Make sure to offer a fun or exciting prize for the winner.
  • A Golf Tournament: If golf appeals to people within your community, this could be a fun way to bring people together. Similar to a talent show, offer a prize to the winner. 
  • An Ugly Sweater Party: Everybody loves an ugly sweater! Invite the community to come together wearing the worst sweater their grandma ever knitted them. It’s a great way to bond and be silly.
  • A Car Show: A classic and fun charity event idea is putting together a car show. Have people in the community enter giveaways and rent a food truck for the day. However, make sure the demographic you are trying to connect with resonates with this idea before exploring it. 

Do’s: Ask for Volunteers

Do your best to save money by asking community members to come together and volunteer. This will help the event run smoothly and is a critical part of connecting with potential donors. Why? Because volunteers can engage with donors and strengthen relationships within the organization. 

Before assigning volunteers to specific duties, get to know them. Take some time to understand what they enjoy and what they’re good at. This can go a long way toward creating a successful campaign. 

Don’ts: Don’t Wait to Piece Together Your Event Planning Team

When it comes to putting together a charity event, it’s important to have a team that you trust. To put on a successful event, have a committee chair, event designer, communications manager, volunteer coordinator, and sponsorship coordinator. If you plan to have an auction, it may be wise to find an auction item procurement specialist as well. 

Don’ts: Don’t Avoid Following Up With Attendees

Following up with people after a campaign is vital to its success. Just like anyone else, attendees want to feel valued. Those who may have been on the fence about donating may be swayed if you show them you care. 

Before the event is carried out, think about how you will follow up with attendees, sponsors, and volunteers. Consider shouting them out on social media, writing them thank you letters, sending them thank you videos, or offering them small gifts. These gestures help to build and maintain relationships. 

Charity Event Ideas: Let Premier Sound and Lighting Help

Are you looking to work with a team of event planners and quality audio-visual specialists? And are you struggling to come up with charity event ideas on your own? Let Premier Sound and Lighting help! Our team can help you find the perfect venue and offer all your audio, video, and lighting needs. Don’t try to do everything by yourself! Explore everything Premier Sound and Lighting has to offer today.